Perhaps it is a simple divide we are crossing,
turning the page of one day and finding
ourselves in the book of the new year. 2022.
Some would say it is all the same, one minute to the next.
But I feel there is something quite different, striking in
The new book can only be read with new eyes.
The new words must be spoken from your heart.
The page numbered one, one, 22 is an end and a beginning of you.
A culmination of millenniums makes a mighty crescendo here,
so loud, parts of the world close their ears to hold back that
And just as the sun dropped beneath the horizon of our heavenly
that day is gone, that night over.
A fiery orb climbs into the sky illuminating God’s Queendom,
quickening even the heart that thought it would die waiting.
Is 2022 the dawn of waking? Say it is so. Say it is noon!
Ask yourself with delirious sweetness if you have climbed the
zenith of forgiveness.
Christ’s pen is yours if you chose it. Write the script of the
holy world,
forgive or paint another dark night.
I thank you with my whole heart for the gifts you have given me
this year,
I have scribed so many beautiful words and danced them into
I have gone to the mountain and returned to occupy my heart, my
my mind, loving this incarnation, accepting God’s invitation to
the human being to fully express Christ.
Nose to nose (imagine the kiss of Eskimos) with my
own radically unique
mission in this world, I dare to be happy.
As I enter the New Year, I offer my human-beingness to the
strength and supreme creativity Which dwells as God-MaryBeth.
I am aware that love most magnificently manifests as the
unity of the two,
person and Spirit. What, I ask, might that look like in
the living-breathing
poetry of 2022?
Like a candle and flame.
A candle is born of silky wax but fulfills its destiny standing
firm and erect.
Its purpose is to hold light, enabling the fire a beautiful
expression. What flame could exist without its taper?
Glorious is the person who stands to bear the Light of God and
in it beholds the beauty of Itself. I am fulfilled as I embody The
Divine. God is complete through the harmonious unity of our
seeming separate qualities. Light is made manifest through mortal
existence. Human is enlightened.