An Experience After the Meeting

Dear Hearts,
The Foundation had its monthly board meeting yesterday.  After cleaning up, I settled into my
favorite chair. Flushed with the goodness of joining, I was taken by an experience, both a
memory of the meeting and the on-going mystical love. I’d like to share my revelation.
Soft warmth and subtle happiness
radiate from my heart.
I am engaged,
intimate with everyone.
We are a small circle.
I am at home, mySelf,
relaxed and safe.
Eyes solidify a connection
locked in soft embrace
on whomever appears,
whomever speaks
or looks my way.
This is no turning a cheek.
This is giving cheeks, face,
loins, heart.
This is sight from a deeper station,
beholding quietly.
I divide portions of food
for their taking.
There is no food there, but
mySelf I share.
Then hear her lilting speech,
happy sounds warbling
from my mouth.
The words are not important
but an unforgettable melody
catches me from beyond.
Inside I am tender, supple.
The Truth of me flows out,
flowing into another,
It is not a great outpouring,
not a running river or tributary,
more like mist, surrounding,
becoming the weather
in Which we join,
in Which we are the same.

 Remarkably, I am not depleted
giving to everything
from the fullness in me
which grows and expands
as I gaze, gushing a little,
like a lover,
without physical cementation,
though I am aware of an embodied
demonstration, the inner swell,
awake to the flames of my heart,
the sun of my solar plexus
and the light that
radiantly encircles my crown.
Thinking is unnecessary.
Reflection is pointless.
I am captivated only by now,
by what words cannot say,
by what cannot be read.
Completely given to someone.
Who? AnyOne who moves
through the field that envelops me,
everything that surrounds
as the walls and couch breathe
with whole-hearted contentment.
I inhale its perfume,
neither sweet nor musky
but fragrant
like the air after rain,
or the edge where waves break.
The spray seasons our soul
with essential salts.
We feel it and go on
sharing small talk.
No one names it.
Love, unity, communication
are leafless trees
in the beauty of this garden.

Always Love,