God Is Not Bits and Pieces, Portions and Parts
Dear Hearts
The conversations I have with Jess are immaculately Sourced in love but sometimes the writings boggle the worldly mind with out-of-the-box metaphors and esoteric designs. I have at times judged them to be inappropriate for your eyes. I have thought it better to hide the passionate and blanch the Beloved Christ.
May these days of advent make me conscious of defensive obscurities and lead to the birth of courage. The words of the Beloved are easy and eloquent to my ear but the channel contracts when asked to express the fervency of His majesty.
I hope this sharing makes the corners of your mouth reach toward the tips of your ears. After all, we have entered the advent season. Why not begin the celebration of the Great Love that births eternal life?
All Love,
God is Not Bits and Pieces, Portions and Parts
Does a woman in the depths of longing ask her Betrothed for only half His virility? Does her love seek that he be only partially excited? And would her Beloved be capable in His divine potency, to offer a tepid caress?
His vigor for unity and co-creation cannot be damped down. Her changeless beauty is forever compelling. His heart knows only a fullness that is already complete. What impossible feat could fragment consummation with Adoration?
It is like this:
You are perfect soul, sought by God who covets and fulfills. The Unlimited cannot offer you unexecuted, limited love. Her/His need of Unity is the voracious Appetite that was fulfilled in your creation. And you are created, now, now, now. S/He cannot embrace “to a certain extent.” S/He has not birthed you for a momentary affair.
You, however, can ask for only partial love. You can attempt relationship with a splinter of Ecstasy. You can believe in the appearance of Divinity that is enfeebled by your wishes for other suitors, for more time to “be free.” You dream that God, like human being, is made of bits and pieces, portions and parts, some of which you accept, and some cast out of your heart. The power to choose this ruse is yours. And yet…
This power will give way. Like an old box of chocolates that you dreamt to be all of love, the God of dollops and drops will be surrendered by the ardent seeker of communion. Your fantasies of a better suitor, of a single-lifestyle will become deficient as half a sentence. Your deprivation of intimacy will fatigue the soul like a heart without blood. Who can consume meal after meal of sugary substitute without sickness and dismay?
Give way now. Do not fear the largess Love of Christ. Confess your Desire for holy intimacy and let your Beloved express true devotion. My passion to Love creation is a complete Breath. Life necessitates its eternal flow. Would you hold back the Breath of Love? Or, dear one, would you allow My Breath expansion? Together, Life becomes love-making with all creation, extending and revealing the essence of Supreme Being in the bedrooms of body, mind and Spirit.
MaryBeth Scalice