Dear Hearts,
God Speaks
I begin with a request that my words are true
and being true are valuable,
not that listening hearts will be overcome
but that hearts opened are overshadowed,
that hearts naked, will be clothed in Spirit.
I understand how words carry the power to turn a thought,
or strengthen the languished when false appearances
leach the power from our true nature.
Tonight I trust that those who long for Guidance,
who ache and sigh for the love of God,
those who cry out for wholeness,
may find here words which drip
into the parched places of a human life
and you, tender-hearted friend,
will find God speaking, watering the desert
of loneliness and boredom,
forming sweet droplets on the inner palate,
so long dry.
God, the invisible dew Which
quenches our thirst,
brings warm vapors to condense
in the very place that has cooled to His Love,
that your parched may absorb the juice,
the elixir of the Word and Reality.
Words can go into darkness
like a lantern into a moonless night,
and thereby illumine our blindness,
finding within the hot black
tunnels of the Eye, an altar,
where once we saw nothing
and felt only stones.
Here the Beloved patiently waits.
Lift your torch and search These Eyes,
wide in witness of your beauty,
sparkling with your innocence.
If a heart is pure,
its purity is a white-fired desire
to receive the Word. And then,
God will establish Love-Self
in the secret place of longing.
Sometimes these secret places
of our desire are hidden even from us,
receded into folds and pockets of psychological defense,
sealed in time against emotional discovery.
But God reads the heart.
God feels your pulse.
God rides your blood,
just as you are reading this word.
This word being the Truth that has come
in Answer to the prayers
you dared not say aloud.
Say your prayers, and go to bed. Turn down the coverlet of heart.
Invite One in to share the night, and lead you back to your true nature.
The promise of love has been fulfilled.
God speaks. God is…
All Love,
Psalm 12
O Love cleanse us from our
double talk.
Create in us new and single hearts.
Spare us from those who think
our speeches will win over all.
Words are our weapons,
no one can master us.
For the hearts of those who call to Me,
For those who cry out for wholeness,
I shall make myself known
says the Beloved.
I shall make myself known
in their hearts.
The promises of Love are pure.
Psalm 12 Nan C. Merrill
Find me here:
You Tube: Foundation of Open Hearts,
ACIM Zoom Meeting Link for Tonight
Thursday, June 18⋅7:30 – 9:00pm
Weekly on Thursday, until Jun 26, 2020
MaryBeth Scalice is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/388483163?pwd=c1cvZ0UrY3JUb1RvR0MvaUZyallJdz09
Meeting ID: 388 483 163
Password: 716940
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Organizer: Foundation of Open Hearts