On the May flower Full Moon
Soften the brow.
Soften the heart.
Soften the breath.
I go before you.
I can be trusted.
I have been in the midst
of trouble before
and untroubled
have given you reason
to unfurl the ridges
that line your face.
I know what to do.
I restore, I embrace
the helpless.
I hear you.
I can be trusted.
How does the Lover
come close
when you are hard,
unyielding to His touch?
Look at the defense
that costs you so much,
that costs you the love
that impassions your life,
that leaves you defunct
a fatigued and fruitless vine.
Soften the mind.
Soften the eyes.
Butter the bread
of communion
with your life
wide open,
with your consent,
with a yes.
Give me all the rest.
Give me the discontent,
the fear, the doubt,
the beatings on your breast,
of frustration.
Lean upon My Strength.
I will gird you up.
I will draw you in.
I am open,
a hidden tunnel
giving way
as you tumble
into welcome,
into Word,
unlike the judge
who abuses
the tenderness
you offer,
who shreds the gifts
you give into raw
and ragged threads.
I am gently exalted
in your precious-
depthless softness.
Soften the brow.
Soften the heart.
Soften the breath
and let Me love you.
Let Me Love you strongly.
Resist not against My Love.
But love Me without defense.
I assure you I have a Plan.
Have I said it plainly enough?
I can be trusted.