I Will Rest

Dear Hearts,

In the midst of political tremors, under sunless skies, and through relationship terrors, there is bed where we can rest. There is choice that we can make.  There is a Friend who is reborn each time we pause to receive God’s peace.

The world seemed particularly difficult and cruel this week. It takes enormous strength to rest, to trust, to bless those whom seem to attack our innocence.  Perhaps the words that came to me, will help you find serenity. Below, is my conversation with Jess.

We meet tomorrow at 7:30 at St. Michael’s  Church. 112 Randolph Ave, Milton. Together we will take the deep pause that renews, restores and blesses.

Looking forward to repose in Christ with you.

all love,


I will rest

so I can offer you rest.

I will rest

so waking may be possible

for us.

I will rest

leaving time orphaned

that you may find

this pause,

a bridge;

feet growing softer,

softer with each step,

climbing into the mystery

that calls us from distress.

The sounds of the world below

are fading,

our hearts already

far ahead,

beyond the body

which lumbers slowly

with aches

and anxious dreads.

Still and calm I settle,

poised in awareness

of all that wrestles,

pulling back on distraction,

pulling in from attention.

You said,

Peace is mine.

I would receive it,

become it. Be It,

that all people

gnashing worry-worn teeth

may taste the sweetness

of Your Presence.

Twisted wits

bring undue stress.

Let us rest

for a moment —

offer a holy instant,

deepening ,opening

this shallow, trepid breath.

Quiet may not seem

like a gift.

To the marathon mind

it feels like death;

to the alpha achiever

a vapid, wasteful loss.

How upside down

my vision,

how heavy the ego cross.

I am putting down my

defenses… now

that is my gift,

that is my power.


I seek this rest you offer.

I long for defenselessness.

Child of God, like a babe in My arms,

I drape you in Christ’s Composure.

Like a babe in your womb,

I’m conceived anew,

What Love Created beautiful.

What creates love

still shining, true.

Hush, my holy heart.

Hush and birth Me through.

Patient is my peace.

Patience waits for you.


I will rest

sink deep into your bed,


that all of mind’s

broken backs

will feel Your Light caress.

Sacred pillows,

placid brows,

this is in Our Power now.


To find such rest

takes great strength.


I want it.

Can we have it?

Can we give it?

Can we breathe it

all together as One?

Can I be so strong, Jess

as to bear All Mighty Peace?