Dear Hearts,
In this moment,
I cannot scribe one word to you that is worth reading unless, in this moment, I accept the love of God for myself. I cannot write the meaning of God’s words unless I accept the true meaning of my life. If I do not trust that I have a unique and God-given function to fulfill in the world, I will be impotent. If I do not know my holiness, I will not know You.
Pause with me in this moment. For I am sure that I have come into the world to bring heaven to earth. I am certain that we are here to fulfill the destiny of humanity to give Christ breath and life through flesh and blood. All of the universe keenly waits for the perceived unity of Divine and me, and you, and us. All of nature receives rebirth through me and you and you and we. Pause, and accept. Rest and receive a moment. I offer it to you. It is an invisible but real resurrection.
Open your heart and wonder! There is One among us Who gave Spirit to manifest. I would make my life an empty cup for that One’s fullness. I would dive deep into the living pools of the heart, where soul and spirit consummate, each given to the other, allowing a human being to feel, to vision, to incarnate God; to procreate(!) as Being and human; to lose their selves for a moment of silent emptiness, each beholden to the other, each with a destiny to bring opposites to wholeness; to become One, to fuse in communion and live the revelation of Love’s pure Desire, begetting offspring, bringing the new to proliferate.
It happens here, in this moment, through the aperture where God and
wo-man flow together. The nous is the portal, the timeless instant of holy matrimony. Soul and spirit give completely the lives they thought uniquely their own. But what, you ask, is your part?
In this moment, dive into the living waters. Come up, bring the full cup, the Christ, Beloved, to the world. Pour out, overflow. Flood this instant with your truth, your beauty. Offer your brother, your family to drink. Your words are cool springs of life. Your heart a fountain of truth. Your vision through the iris of the nous, holy, good. What is this moment for?
God is realizing Self through you. God is taking Its place in human wombs. We are taking our place, as birthers of new seed, bearers on earth of a divine being of infinite creativities. We are breaths of Adonai’s rapture.
The holy feminine knows.
The holy spirit knows.
The beloved son, knows.
The sacred nature knows.
Adoration aches to give everything.
You chose to be chosen. You choose this intimacy.
Make your cup empty, with confident expectation.
Come up in fullness, rise again.
What a sheer and glorious blessing you have
in this moment.
All Love,
p.s. The artist for this picture is Nick Scalice, Scalice art on Instagram.
ACIM Zoom meeting Thursdays.
Register in advance for meeting: June 10, 7:30 pm
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