May 23, 2024
Oh, my dear Ones! I am passing from the halls of thought into freedom from thinking. Today’s journaling represents this movement, not a path, not systematic steps, but Love of the Heart, Love of Self, release from mind-crippling paradigms which seek to figure out who I am. Choose to read this and choose Christ as your Self.
“Love Here Now” is My Name
All these clever thoughts you write cannot hold a candle to the Self which needs no pen, no journal, no form in which to prove it is true. The ink on this page merely points to misplaced faith. You have not fully given up belief in the treasures of your spiritual-thought paradigm. Never were there gifts more preposterous than these.
Why not exchange the koans for certainty, the solution of the problems of your world, for a world without problems. A holy instant must relinquish logic, cleverness and beefed-up intelligence. A separated mind views this surrender as abdication of power and grieves for loss of sanity.
Ego wants to chew on ideas. Gnawing brings little nourishment and sharpens the fangs. Truth arises when we fast from our most prized mental life, rejecting its authority as mender of troubles. This mind cannot but bind you to the past. Are you not the one who prays for a new world, a new life, the era of Love? For what then do you pine?
You are an immigrant coming to a new world with your possessions in hand. But as you glimpse what was once a distant shore and now is near, you realize none of what you formerly possessed and called your treasures are needed. ACOL C:1.7
You did not understand. New world arising cannot be understood. Christ is necessary to heal the problems and ambitions of human beings. Christ is identity, not thinking, not planning, not becoming, not solving. Christ is God-living on earth as it is in Heaven. Christ in you is a human and a spirit, Love embodied as Self. Who can figure that out? And yet it would be your new world.
Let us un-figure all that you made as steps to Christ. Figuring is not the way of enlightening. Heart is the way and Christ is the way of the heart. Christ is what God made…Christ is God’s extension of who (S)He is. ACOL P.8 Christ is the expression of Oneness, Communion, Love. This is true Self, free from mind-conundrums. This is joy. This is where your heart is. (T)here is your treasure also. ACIM T-2.11
There are countless courses,
countless techniques,
as many psychologies as human beings.
Can you see, your God has become a process?
And as you see that Being, you shall reflect
a system, a practice, a set of steps
endlessly rising to attainment unmet.
The Word is not a process.
Christ is not a path.
Self is not a consequential operation.
And every explanation for Who You are
diminishes the revelation.
Beyond the process,
beyond the mind,
without a language,
“Love Here Now” is your name, Christ’s name.
And when you refused it,
preferring to be some other,
Jesus accepted it for you
preferring to be Whole.
All these years, The Teacher has been trying
to introduce us to our Self by introducing Himself.
How many mornings have you woken from sleep,
smiling, saying, Hello Jess!*
You thought you had accepted Him, but then,
that would mean accepting your Self,
that would mean accepting God,
that would be to live as One,
One Love, One Will, One Self.
Knowing One would mean knowing none but God,
accepting all creation
as the family of Her extension.
That would be the experience
of all Beings on earth
as One Being extended
sharing the name of God.
Oh, my Beloved Friend,
we would then recognize not only our unity
but become the power of Our Identity,
not only in God
but on earth as it is in heaven.
Beyond the mind,
without a language,
“Love Here Now” is our name.
To say it is one thing.
To live it brings true humility to the knees,
sucking into the innermost
the deepest gasp of relief,
breathing out
Ah Ha! dear Self!
God is love,
and s/he who abides in love
abides in God,
and God abides in them. John 4:16
elah al ilahat!
*Jess, an affectionate name for Jesus
** elah al ilahat Aramaic name of God, masculine and feminine