My soul is a song that
praises the Beloved.
My soul is the light
that shines Resplendent Ray.
Praise is imminent in
my humanity.
That Which Created me
is Love appraising Self.
Praise is transcendent
in my Divinity
My Spirit is poetry on
I sound like the bells
of a thousand basilicas.
I flow as river of the
eternal Breast.
The beauty of Christ
is marbled through my actions,
the supernal unfolding
and all that I’ve been holding
across incarnations,
blessedly expressed.
I am speechless as I hear
the words,
feel the touch
accept the caress.
He praises Me.
He beams with joy at
my fumbling humanity.
She longs to make
known to me that we are Good.
We are the Adorable in
a little thimble of humility,
an ounce of Perfect
within a sea of vulgar words.
God lives in this cup,
a bracer of purity,
overwhelming the mind, the senses.
My life is a tiny
but just one drop of
this fluid body
holds all the joy of
I hold the glory and I
offer it.
I breathe it as
sweetness and strength.
Join me in this praise
of the Beloved.
You too shall become The
Love of Your Life.
Share one word, one Om
makes waves!
Which floods small
mind with grace.
Will you let Him
praise you?
You need only give
your life.
Don’t worry, it is not
your Self.
It belongs to the
Birther of Grandeur.
What is S/He within