Dear Hearts,
All of us know the caress of water.
Before the sprouting of hands and feet we floated in a womb of fluid softness,
baptized before we saw the world’s light. Hidden there in water, indwelling,
soothed by the murmur of our mother’s swirling blood we took form. We were held
in innocence, not yet assaulted by the weight of the world and the guilt that
comes of separation.
In the New World, we return to this lightness
of being, hidden in our Spiritual Mother even as we move about on earth. The
gravity of man’s laws can no longer shackle our hearts. Our bodies are given to
express the primogenial Reality, the holiness of Christ. Birthright is explored
as we move within again, caressed in the living waters of the Formless. Free to
experience the reality of a world forgiven, we rest in Womb remembered,
stripped of shame and fear.
Here is the new perception, where everything is
bright and shining with innocence, washed in the waters of forgiveness, and
cleansed of every evil thought you laid upon it… Here is your innocence,
waiting to clothe… and protect you… make you ready for the final step in the
journey inward. Here are the dark and heavy garments of guilt laid by, and
gently replaced by purity and love. T-18.IX.9
Skinny Dip
I remember once,
under black blankets
of humid night,
shedding my worldly skin,
sneaking to the shore
stripped of garments
that seemed to protect
my private places. I was
The pond was pure protection,
accepting my need for its cool love,
holding my body steady,
an embrace that made
all private places unweighted,
Truly held by a trillion drops
of emerald innocence,
they all joined together
making what I would hide,
Such arms in the world
are hard to come by.
We prefer instead,
the love of our bed. We
If you find your Self called
from beneath your sweaty sheets,
drop everything.
Become Her sacrament.
Let Her thin the fat folds of
Give Her your willingness
even if you can’t swim.
She will float you,
anoint you, love you.
Skinny Dip.
All Love,