Dear Hearts,
Perhaps I have become somewhat expert in seeing the dynamics of fear. Or maybe this reflection is ego gloating, marveling in a pretense of “self” understanding. In truth, the Voice for Love responds softly and swiftly as I get enmeshed in hurtful thoughts and express interest in illusions.
This piece presents a humorous glimpse at the insanity of small mind as it attempts to solve a problem. Jess, (Jesus) offers reconnaissance, speaking quietly behind my mind, wisdom in the midst of madness. His words are represented in small print to the right of the ego’s verses.
ACIM meets Thursday, April 28 at 7:30 pm. Our facilitator this week is a devout and gentle teacher of A Course of Love, Elliot Robertson. Please scroll to the bottom for details and the meeting link. Come, join us!
Always Love,
I Do Not Perceive My Own Best Interest WB24
Ego is like this:
I have a little pain in my belly.
I think, well, maybe I need to eat something.
I decide for a bowl of noodles,
which feels good at first, but then
causes bloating and discomfort.
Immediately I wonder,
what can I do to alleviate this distress? Let all things be exactly as they are. WB 268
There is fresh anxiety that accompanies
this eating fest. And some guilt.
I am aware of having ignored a note to self
posted only hours ago.
Choose health! Eat well.
Seems to me I chose hell.
I decide a pre-probiotic might undo
the bad decision I’ve made in lieu
of my happiness. Is this what I would have, in place of Heaven and the peace of God? WB185
I pop a pill and go to bed.
But in short time, the belly is rolling,
Awakened by a new kind of pain,
I rise at two to use the bathroom,
companioned by anxiety. Insane thoughts are upsetting WB53 12
Precious zzz’s are interrupted.
Predator thoughts feel foreboding.
Who can go back to sleep? …attack thoughts are attacking my invulnerability. WB26
The little pain in my belly has become
a big pain in the ass. Hahahaha, Jess lol
That, of course is what ego is…
a kick in the butt we mistake for love,
for help, and often for wisdom. There is no love but Gods WB 127
This night,
ego has only begun to share
its fecund pearls of its wisdom. … be still and listen to the truth WB 106
It thinks there is something I need do. I need do nothing WB 337
I hear, take a sleep aid.
Haha Haha! I say, I am not taking your
sorry-assed advice.
I crawl back into bed,
soon needing another trip,
where bowels rip with complaint.
It snickers,
you have a meeting in the morning.
How about some gummies
to soothe your tummy?
I admit, I feel nervous.
Want to be sharp, want to be clear
hate those dark circles
from my nose to my ears.
But I weigh the options. Of these illusions, which of them are true? T-27.V:36
I am sensitive to sugar
and a few of those chewies
will make weather around my brain.
Do I want fog in the morning
or a night of bowel thunder? Heaven is the decision I must make WB138
There is a little epiphany.
I remember Jess explained,
the ego will distract you with either/or,
while all of its options abhor the Truth.
None of its choices are sane.
I take a deep breath
and call upon my Friend.
Then I go back to bed.
I want the peace of God. To say these words is nothing…to mean these words is everything. WB 185
The storm passes.
Night takes me in her arms.
The Presence of Jess
quiets my heart.
I dream I am awake.
…awaken and return to me. I am Your Father and you are My Son. WBP11:10
You are invited to a Zoom meeting with Elliot Robertson. Please welcome Elliot Robertson as facilitator of our ACIM meeting this week. I promise he will awaken your heart and saturate your senses with his holy Presence. Elliott is a Spiritual Growth Coach and Founder and President of Beyond Divisiveness. He creates workshops which cultivate the trust and space needed to share our God experiences. Discovery and celebration of our own inner Power is a key theme.
Elliot is a coach for adopting a plant-based diet, a cat lover and friend of saints, including Teresa of Avila and St. Bernard. He enjoys the poems of Hafiz and scribes his own beautiful verse. His writings have appeared in Miracles Magazine and The Embrace newsletter.
I met Elliott through his telesummit in 2020 called Coming Home to Who You Are. He is planning to broadcast again, this year. Look for his announcement on Healing Divisions from the Inside Out.
As I asked Elliot to share something about himself, he wrote… grateful beyond words for A Course of Love which has deepened my love for ACIM. The Thursday evening group (ACIM) is a shining jewel, a crown, a true gift.
ACIM Zoom Meeting
When: Apr 28, 2022 07:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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