The Arrival of The Prince

Dear Hearts,

…it can be simple, as simple as realizing the oneness of the embrace. Within the embrace you can let all thought go… you can quit thinking even of holy things, holy men and women, and even divine beings… ACOL C 20.21

Maybe its not so dramatic.  All these wayfarers gathering and telling stories, sharing

experiences of light, Voices, kundalini, and golden-sapphire flames.  They trigger our longing to know God that way; make us yearn to be swept away, or under, or within a Divine Tsunami. We too want a vibrant display of supernal splendor, but what if… 

it is the longing, the hunger, the bone saturated, heart dedicated, desire for God that is paramount.  Before and beyond all experience is the soul’s deep love for its Source.

Perhaps the agency of enlightenment is our heart’s calling, our persistent longing, fidelity, humility and sincerity to this true need that purifies desire to an absolute degree, gently awakening a consummate Adoration.

In the poetic fable below, sleeping beauty finds fulfillment in the quiet, ordinary slipping away of ego.  Am I willing to allow waking experience to be so simple?  

…it can be simple, as simple as realizing the oneness of the embrace. Within the embrace you can let all thought go… you can quit thinking even of holy things, holy men and women, and even divine beings, even the one God. ACOLC:20.21

All Love,


(P.S.  Please join me this Thursday, Sept. 21, 7:30 for our ACIM zoom meeting.  The link is below!)

The Arrival of the Prince

How long have I waited for the kiss.

looking frogs directly in the eye,

wondering if this one was my bliss?

Now I see, the Prince arrived.

It was ages ago.

Not at all what I expected,

especially the cracked nail

on the bruised digit 

of his second toe.

It’s been a long journey.

He brought a sticky note,

not an autographed memoir

from God saying,

I’m out here babes,

counting stars till you come home.

It did not, as I wanted, suggest,

do this, and do that

and all will be well. 

Moses was a lucky one

with his stone slabs

full of simple directions.

My little sticky-icky message said,

Sleeping with the wolf is certain death.

Shepherd your heart with loving kindness.

A princess makes many promises

she cannot keep.  

She believes selling Her soul

to a fire-breathing Father

will save her badass.

She believes in apple bites

from apple trees

that make naughty girls 

weak in the knees

she previously was not aware 

she had.

She believes in rescue squads

and saviors and virgin mothers

whose King babies come from

being super sweet.

… in magic and men,

especially the god-man 

who dressed in royal reds,

shall come to sweep her up,

her arms around his perfect abs

straddling a white stallion.

Together they gallop 

heading due vertical

to God’s castle in the sky, 

a place on high, where heaven is… 

has always been

waiting for this rescue mission.

The prince arrives. 

I hear no wedding bells.

He rides a mule.

His eyes are brown, not blue.

He kisses my cheek.

I wake from sleep.

Ego falls from its pedestal.