The First Day of Lent 2021
I tried, I really tried. But trying is trying and not the way of my heart. It is late and I do not want to suffer you with too much verbiage. I do not want to labor with so many ideas.
Now, I write a page in celebration of the day. He says, it will be Light. I’d rather poetry. He suggests a recap. Here’s what all the unsent said.
I aimed to compare the old and new lent, the tradition and the evolution.
I cited Genesis “dust you are and to dust you will return,” explaining how dust is just the nothingness of the false self. Those ashen crosses on the forehead no longer the symbol of sinners, but a new sign of the resurrected, a symbol that nothing real has ever died, been maimed or lost but wishes.
I wrote about our new eyes, our new body, and new Sight, given as we rise into Christ, enabling those who desire, to behold a real world, a true Self, a unity on earth come undone in the sleep of the first son, Adam.
I booed at the idea of Lenten penance, deciding Lent to be a celebration; freedom from loneliness and desert experience, freedom from the temptations to follow a lie, freedom because we followed Jesus, walking with Him, in Him to the cross, discovering not the death of Love but the Love of Life and the death of sin. Our hearts broke with Him and came again unto wholeness.
I acknowledged my own walk to the cross, from a false identity to the revelation of God Self. Oh! He appeals to me to let this be the last useless journey of the Son of man. My crucifixion need not be repeated. When Jesus rolled back the rock of His Tomb, the whole of the universe was in that cave, partying! No more chin up, or sacrifice for sin; enlightenment not through suffering, but accepting (w)holy At-One-ment.
I thought I would be clever and say, the tree upon which He hung was wrung with new apples! One bite returns us to the Father, to unity consciousness and our God-self. Our God Self is not crazy like our ego self. That’s bats. Our True Self is Heaven on Earth, and finds the world a wicked good blessing,
Anyway, I like the idea about the new apples. I also like the story of Sleeping Beauty. Why not make Lent the new feast of apples? Yum, Golden Delicious. An apple a day…that could be my practice, waking again and again as His Beauty in the world.
That’s enough Lenten stuff, except that I intend to soften my perceptions… softer and softer and softer, allowing my heart to See and know the everlasting Love of Grandpoppi Adonai in my daily practice. Everlasting Love is everlasting Life as Christ, Who is here now, making my Lenten walk a romance, putting a bit of dip and skip into my stride, reminding me to never, ever take up the cross of fear.
I have a few splinters from what I wrote before this witness to joy and celebration. But Jess is here with tweezers.
I walk with you as I have for many years, writing from the Heart and Ever-Present Love of Christ, risen.
To say I love Easter is to say, I love Life. Hooray! Happy First Day of 40 ways to Celebrate.
All Love,
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