The Friend will become bread and spring water for you, a lamp and a helper, your favorite dessert and a glass of wine. (Rumi)
If only you knew how simply and easily that One slips into your life, making the day as smooth as butter softened on the windowsill, spread on an ear of corn, a slice of coffee cake.
There is with you, now, The Loving Companion, unnoticed, unread between the lines of your story; Intelligence firing synapses within the Mind you share, flowing as thoughts you never had, never dared to trust.
Grab hold of that Hand!. The Loving Companion gives you to run, unwearied by a world of resistance, by limbs fatigued with worry; One in Whom you glide, though your body’s starched and pressed.
The Friend would taste with your tongue if you allow. Strength would surpass your bullies. Gentleness would comb your hair this morning, if only you would let It.
Companion Presence is this breath of fresh air, a felt-field of lilies around your bed, a way of walking with spine erect, disappearance of the foggy ghost in your head.
It is well-Being, the nothing wrong that escapes your notice, but notices opportunities to Create the inspirations, the treasures of your heart, the little holy things that make your day, of Good, of God.
There is a light on this page that illumines your face, shining back from your eyes, giving you reason to pause and wonder at the Beauty of Life. It pauses. It wonders. It is beautiful.
For more inspirational poetry see Write, Beloved, Write, by MaryBeth Scalice, at BookBaby Bookshop, or Amazon.com