Things We Dare Not Tell Anyone

Dear Hearts,
There are things in our innermost being that we dare not tell anyone… what relationship could pull them from our mouths?  These so unbelievable we can hardly tell ourselves.  These we know to be true but fear they will appear as  madness.
It’s understandable. The mental faculty has decided the innermost to be a lie. It spins a self from a cloth cut of learning, a patch work of illusions,
the wanna-be’s and not-good-enough’s that hold intact the goal and pretense of becoming somebody. Becoming somebody is a path of hopelessness.
Who could the real you become? Can what is real become unreal, better, realer, truer? What could you hope to be but yourself, living that unfolding authenticity without struggle, or striving or Self-denial.
There is one who comes quietly, gently,
slipping under your quilt of lies, gently
touching something deeper,
something wonderful, undercover,
pulling the wool from our eyes, gently,
from our hopeless lies that we are becoming someone,
even our hope for a best self… a bested fabrication
and dissociation from what’s deep inside.
…wrapping His arms around what is already created, gently
gazing upon what is true, what is You there in the innermost. 
At first you feel naked, ashamed, so used to hiding
the heart grabs a fig leaf to protect those private parts.
He holds you, gently, not letting you turn back to unholy relationships.
Not letting you wither in the world of competitions.
Little by little, you settle, you relax.
You trust and show Him everything.
This feels amazing.  Amazing.
Soon you are praying your relationship never ends.
There are things we dare not tell anyone.  He shows us what we are hiding. What we are hiding is our Identity. What we are ashamed of is love. 

All Love,

Please join with us this weekend to explore Relationship with God. Go to
and click the tab for events.  More information below. You are also invited each week to participate in our ACIM gathering on line.  The presence in this group is palpable.

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