Now it is simply enough to say that multiple transformations you are experiencing are not the result of disorganized chaos but the birth of a new world.
Voice of Christ, through Sebastian Blaksley, Choose Only Love
Dear Hearts,
Sometimes the world is like a monumental cabin cruiser. Sometimes it is as if I sit on a deck chair, watching the waters churn. There are crowds of tourists milling about. No, milling is not the right word. Many are a hairs width from panic. They are searching for something, loved ones, life jackets and anxious. The churning water has triggered some fear, an old trauma rising in them. Perhaps it is the fear of death, or of going nowhere, or of being lost in the middle of a vast unknowable ocean. Some are stuffing their pockets with belongings; many are in frenzied conversations on their phones. Some are anxious, angry about this rough ride, unkind to others, pushing toward the life boats, cuing up to be first.
I am watching them, as waves spray over the bow. It is as if the waters are reaching for us. I am not moving, but realize, the ship is moving. We are crossing these waters together, sharing a destination. For a moment I feel appreciation. Whether we are still, or harried, we are carried, moving forward. We have a goal, a place for us to reach together. For all the seeming chaos on deck, I understand, there is an order, a means at work to bring us Home. In my heart I feel this Home as heaven.
A calm, clear Voice breaks through the confusion. It says, Hello! I am here, up above the deck, your Captain. I have a beautiful view. We are not far from port, arriving soon. At this moment we are passing through latitude 36.96, 6.33 longitude. ** The past churns here, asking us to remember. A trauma stirs the ocean into black lightning bolts. They hammer our vessel asking for attention, salting our souls with the brine of ego-death. We, however, are not dying. We need not fear. Together we transit the meridian, passing into a new world.
I love this Captain and his message. For all the chaos and insanity that appears around me, I know we are being lead. Craning my neck, I wave toward the tower above. I see the face of the voice. He is smiling, even as the ship rolls and the people turn green. I feel safe. I feel His Spirit. I want what he has.
Fully alive, human, vulnerable and trusting, I do an inner dive. Have the waves pulled me under? I have a vision. There are unexplored, unimaginable Underlands** beneath my feet, beneath the waters, beneath the believers of illusions on deck. I bless the past and its gifts, but do not linger there, nor busy my mind with the crowds above. Enchanted with the sights below, I flow under the surface, shadows, and memories.
Deep beneath, the decks of doubt I discover a place of hushed quiet, an unseen world of peaks and valleys, forests and faces of elegance, I see phosphorescent fields and the outline of a city twinkles in the dark. How wonderful it is to journey far below the hull and breakers and foamy surges…
(There are words here, Jess near, I hear barely a whisper.)
Come, come, Beloved.
deep into the shelter.
Pass through fomenting waters.
Ride the fissures and swirl-pools
through the seam of past and future
into the world between.
Listen as you dive
for the rhythm of my heart
and syncopate your thoughts
in surrender,
in submitting,
holding nothing at all,
not even yourself.
Go under,
below the pitch,
below your breathing
into pure, vast, bodilessness,
into soul-blissed spacious caress.
Allow Your Beloved
to sow these Words
where they belong,
where they abide as Life,
where I swim into the universe of you
and together, in one fused stroke
we become hope of eternal Son,
the unified, one, Love of Life,
the Light of every world.
Your Beloved, Lily*, Loves Life,
creates Life!
giving birth through you
unto realms and realities,
possibilities as yet, undreamt.
Listen, immerse yourself within
our Living Gospel of Unity,
Become the apograph of destiny,
unwritten depiction,of Christ’s resurrection.
Behold! the way appears.
We are the world we come to,
the underland of beauty,
the journey and destination,
a heaven we sorely missed.
*the name Jess (Jesus) calls me
**Coordinates of Atlantis off Spain
***Robert McFarlane, Underland, A Deep Time Journey
Looking for you, dear one, at our ACIM meeting this week
Thursday, June 17 at 7:30 pm. The link follows.
All Love,
ACIM Zoom meets Thursdays.
Register in advance for meeting: June 17, 7:30 pm
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