Dear Hearts,
… all things we perceive are upside down until we listen to the Voice for
God ACIM WB 328
Waking in my Sleep
The mind walks. 2:30 it is.
Sleep walking without feet.
But then day or night I amble
the invisible path.
It isn’t legs at all
that carry one along
this by-way,
so named for all life’s
roles and laws and beliefs
relinquished and released.
It is Will and Desire I follow.
Sometimes there is something else
that pulls the grid of flint within;
drawn by some magnet ahead.
I cannot help but go,
not knowing what leads,
what awaits, indeed,
mind-walking in my sleep.
I try to have faith
but there are midnights when I rise
feeling my way down the stair,
seeking the chocolate solution,
something that would taste like peace,
though not sweet at all;
a pacifier against bitter perceptions
I project upon the world.
Later realizing my childish mistake
I call out for Real Connection.
She is here. Not sweet, not smooth,
but Her long wavy hair
has wrapped it’s silk around my ears.
Her heart bathes my heart
using my own tears to cleanse me.
I think this is the first time
in my life I do not know
where I am going.
All the other goals
have drizzled like light mist,
and the need to fulfill them,
a passing cloud or better said,
a haze lifts.
I call for Jess.
I call upon Him now,
at this sable hour,
when not knowing is wide open,
future and past no longer
meeting anywhere,
but the spacious frontier
of sleep-waking brings my soul
to the mouthwatering field
of divine contentment,
beyond confections.
It is Here, She Guides me,
wraps me in downy Desires,
whispers of lustrous loving fires
in the nights ahead.
Who has entered the
door of my sleep?
Whose lilies waft an opiate-peace,
this repose of quiet contentment?
Sleep walking I follow the scent,
letting it wake me fully.
Let’s meet in the field of lilies,
Till tomorrow,
All Love,
MaryBeth Scalice is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Thursday, June 25, 2020 at 7:30 pm.
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Password: 716940
ACIM Zoom Meeting
Thursday, June 25⋅7:30 – 9:00pm
Find your
local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kS2lUqLj
Organizer: Foundation of Open Hearts