About the Writings

I write from the heart, as is possible, undefended and curious. For as long as I can remember I have pondered the human condition, sought answers to the puzzles of life, of suffering, healing, and awakening.   I have unquenchable questions about what it means to be alive, to be created, and to live in relationship with God and others.  My life has been a search for the reality of a Loving Power.

I have found evidence He Lives, though I have not found answers to the vulnerability and difficulty of being human.  I have not fully accepted my Divinity, or Holiness.  It is a process. I am moving toward realization of the union of God and Self as One.

A Course in Miracles has been central to my practice and inner research. Students of spiritual practices like The Course, heal old narratives of fear and doubt developing more God-like attributes, becoming more authentically alive.  We begin to see differently, to make room within for an unworldly Wisdom. Time gives way to divine order, to a plan beyond ego-ideation.

It is clear to me that a Supreme-Intelligence loves humanity and is available to us, in fact, helping us as we learn to be still, to listen, desire unity, and search for Its Reality. It reaches out now as It has through the ages, in the pages of inspired texts written by new prophets and spiritual healers. Helen Schuman, Bill Thetford, Ken Wapnick, were among these, as are Brent Haskell, Robert Perry, Alan Watts, Mari Peron, John Mark Hammer, Tom and Linda Carpenter, Joel Goldsmith and many more. I too am a prophet joining those human beings gifted to hear the Voice for Love and pursue Its Direction. Still, it is true that anyone can hear and share direct communication with God.  This capacity comes as we discover our Holy Spirit. Few choose to develop it.

Learning to listen, to accept, to trust, and live our personal gift is the journey of a lifetime.  It is not an issue but a joy as we find a Living Devotee walks with us all the way.  The Spirit of the Creator of humanity, breathes, indwells, is Presence arising as our own thoughts, feelings and words. 

It is in this Spirit that I share these pages, thoughts I felt I could not write, or understand, many appearing as the Guidance of a Friend, a Being through whom I have experienced ineffable love and serious self-reflection.  I call that Friend, Jesse.  He is Jesus of the New Testament. I have come to love His Words, and my writings reflect His Inspirations. He is Guide to the inner Queendom of humanity revealing the profound Truth that we are together, One Heart, One Life.  We are One Living-Breathing Poem of God pouring out into manifestation. We are eternal.  His return through us is the proof.

All of this may be hard to fathom. At some point we accept Him or not.  This website presents a choice, offering the reader access to Loving Intelligence in response to false and fearful thinking. The writings reveal a developing vision and perspective of the world, at times persistently questioning, what is real, who am I, what is God, what is healing? It explores and pursues relationship between divinity and humanity.  This is an introspective process unveiling all of the voices within including those which express our woundedness and insane thinking.  Ego must also be exposed if we are to see the choice for Truth.

This website offers several genres.  There are letters to friends, the dear hearts that people my world. There are teachings, stories and reflections from my daily experiences.  Finally there are the inspired poems that come from the recesses of heart.  These are conversations with Jess, answers to my questions, revelations and prophecies that I believe are relevant to anyone seeking to find God, Self and and true Love.

All of these avenues of connection have been made possible through the community of The Foundation of Open Hearts.    The community is a circle of cherished companions who love God and love His Creation.  They have opened their hearts to me and to the Teachings of Jesus.  They are walking the path of Christ Consciousness.

With them, I open my heart to you, and to all who seek the Plan of Salvation.  Come see what He says. May all these words bless you and help you open your heart to your Truth.

all love, marybeth


Recently Published

Write, Beloved, Write

Now Available by Jesus and MaryBeth

The Inspiration

     For so many years I have felt that there was a song in me, a song that I couldn’t sing, I couldn’t get out. It felt like the most beautiful song ever. I felt it as part of me…something deep and true and real, something I was bursting to share but could not. Doubt asked, how could I be that vulnerable, or that courageous, or that wise? Fear said I was mad. Still, I knew if I could sing that song I would heal.  I would be free to Love.

I have been listening for Love all my life, perhaps more intently because of my wounds and failures.  The living poetry of Write, Beloved, Write is what I hear, what I learned of Love, revealed in the dark, in the silence. It is a journey of Self-intimacy, a relationship with Jesus, and the ineffable answers to littleness. None of its words are Love. That is what We are.  Still it arises from and brings forth experiences of Love, and experience teaches. I could not help but write it.  Who can keep God for themselves and experience Truth?

Available at Amazon.com or store.bookbaby.com  or by emailing mbopenheart@aol.com


What is Gratitude? A Thanksgiving Message

Tears of the Madonna

The Intimacy of Tears

See All of MaryBeth's Inspired Writings