What is Gratitude? A Thanksgiving Message

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Dear Hearts,
Own this holiday by making it holy, creating your own rituals. Connect with those who have blessed you and with those who need your blessing. Bear in mind, forgiveness is the greatest blessing of all. Forgive yourself everything you thought unforgivable. 

Tears of the Madonna

The Intimacy of Tears

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Dear Hearts,
Something new is happening.  Emotions which seemed to be the effect of every wrongness and ego ignorant persuasion, now speak of true forgiveness. Growth spurts through holy instants, glimpse the more of me. I have moved on, moved in, releasing unhealthy temperaments, allowing a sentient wisdom.

Love Here Now is My Name

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Oh, my dear Ones!  I am passing from the halls of thought into freedom from thinking.  Today’s journaling represents this movement, not a path, not systematic steps, but Love of the Heart, Love of Self, release from mind-crippling paradigms which seek to figure out who I am. Choose to read this and choose Christ as your Self.

Love is here Now art by Daniela Zekina
nova hikes

Birth and Death

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

I have a vision of birth in my right eye. My left sees encroaching death. This joy would assure me that I am alive, but then so many parts my life are dying.

I have thought of birth and death as opposites, points on each end of a linear continuum. I have thought of them as far from each other as snow from summer. 

Relationship with Jesus

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Relationship with Jesus. Tomorrow, Jess and I are being interviewed by Britney Shawley of Miracles of Mind Ministry. Britney would like to know about my relationship with Jesus. Her first question, how do you see Him? Oh God, I don’t see Him!


Christ is the Same, Yesterday, Today, and Forever

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

When I was a child, I knelt humble before a satin wrapped altar, awed by a statue of Christ. I wanted only the love of God. I implored Jesus to know me, though I had little clue about myself. I invited God to take my heart. Who can say why one so small would feel such serious need for God and offer a sincere love.

I Must Care For My Life

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Dear Hearts. There are times I observe a kind of recklessness with my life, a lack of respect for my body, my emotions; isolating myself, overworking, eating poorly, and making choices that result in sickness or exhaustion, the opposite of what I truly want. This self-punishment is glossed over so that an appearance of “something happening to me” becomes my victim reality.  I sigh under the weight of “a hard life.”

Hearing Him is Everything

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

My bed is a warm body
with some soft pockets
and slippery sheets.
This morning the sheets smell like lavender,
fresh washed.
It is still so dark.
My pillow hugs me close.
I cuddle in the faux fur
like a cub against her mama.

Sorry-assed Advice

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Dear Hearts, Perhaps I have become somewhat expert in seeing the dynamics of fear. Or maybe this reflection is ego gloating, marveling in a pretense of “self” understanding.  In truth, the Voice for Love responds softly and swiftly as I get enmeshed in hurtful thoughts and express interest in illusions.

A Beached Fish Returns to Water

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

My joy has not been found in the endless classrooms of forgiveness.  The joy of my journey is not in the shame of repetitively naming small self-absorptions. Certainly, there is relief in surrender. I come again to remember, I am holy, you are holy. But joy is not expressed through the personal witness of error. There is a color here I am trying to explain, a beatitude.

A Tender Urgency

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

When I got down on my knees last night I bowed my head. I asked for nothing, shedding desires for anything but God. The prickling of skin revealed a field of energy. I fell into a womb of utmost purity. She held me until… I noticed.

Night Vigil

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Dear Hearts.
Are you lying?
Do you know the difference between what is true and false?
Have you noticed how easy it is to tell yourself a fib, to live a little fantasy,
to let what is untrue grab hold of you?
We all make promises to God, to ourselves and our dearest ones. We all break them.

Remembering You Whole

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Can we hold each other a little more tenderly? Can we sweep our hearts of worldly illusions and rest in each other’s sorrow without fear of being unduly touched?  And what if we are? What if the wound of another, of the world, of our brother compels us to feel?  Is that not an awakening to life?….

View of crowd covering ears

A New Year Message

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Dear Hearts, Perhaps it is a simple divide we are crossing,turning the page of one day and findingourselves in the book of the new year. 2022. Some would say it is all the same, one minute to the next.But I feel there is something quite different, striking in difference.The new book can only be read with new eyes.

Superior Fires Awaken a Larger Grief

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

It is not just the recent burning of Superior, Colorado that brings me to grief.  My children are fine. We had a series of miracles that left their house standing in the midst of ash and ruin, untouched, undamaged.

Maple Glazed Turkey Dinner


Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice


My soul is a song that praises the Beloved.
My soul is the light that shines Resplendent Ray.
Praise is imminent in my humanity.
That Which Created me is Love appraising Self.
Praise is transcendent in my Divinity
My Spirit is poetry on high

God is Not Bits and Pieces

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Dear Hearts,

The conversations I have with Jess are immaculately Sourced in love but sometimes the writings boggle the worldly mind with out-of-the-box metaphors and esoteric designs.  I have at times judged them to be inappropriate for your eyes. I have thought it better to hide the passionate and blanch the Beloved Christ.


The Arrival of The Prince

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

How long have I waited for the kiss.

looking frogs directly in the eye, wondering if this one was my bliss?

Now I see, the Prince arrived. It was ages ago.

Not at all what I expected,

This is What I Ask For

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Don’t try to figure God out.

Stop thinking about Them.

Instead, invite the Divine into your bed.

Leave yourself in the kitchen.


Into Oneness

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Dear Hearts,

There are ways to meditate. Some better known include, mantras mudras, TM, Zen, Yoga, ACIM, or contemplation. There are countless more techniques. In a world of so many options, ego believes more is better. For me, too much of a good thing scatters focus and diffuses energy. Spiritual seeking can fall prey to exciting samplers of diverse practice but depth in none. 

The Friend

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

The Friend will become bread and spring water for you, a lamp and a helper, your favorite dessert and a glass of wine. (Rumi)

If only you knew how simply and easily that One slips into your life, making the day as smooth as butter softened on the windowsill, spread on an ear of corn, a slice of coffee cake.


Lilliputian Stuck in the Mud

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Lilliputian Stuck in the Mud

Stuck in the mud?
Remember, many pay through the nose
for this exfoliant experience,
taking layers off,
peeling back the crust of toxins,
making the skin luminescent,
clean as a baby’s bum.

Body and Soul

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Body and Soul
Have you heard the tales of King Solomon? Oh, how he wanted the Queen of Sheba. He summoned her to come. She wasn’t sure she wanted him. And sent instead, a mother lode of gold. Solomon was unimpressed. The streets of his Kingdom were paved with the stuff. When Sheba finally arrived, she understood, her gold was infinitesimally insignificant. Solomon and Sheba married. Or was it Soul and Body that in a passion so awesome, birthed the Song of Songs?


Pick Up Your Guitar and Play

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Dear Hearts,
Pick Up Your Guitar and Play.

If you refuse to pick up your guitar to play, if you close your throat and hold back every note that lives for an ear canal… well, this is what I’ve done, or haven’t done for years. I have not touched those strings. I have forbidden my heart to lilt or wail. The effect, when that hallowed trial comes, is the swift standing of body hairs desperate to run from the room.

Queen of Mercy

Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

She comes to me,
Queen of Mercy

Mercy drops her hand kerchief. It brushes your feet. Do not rush by. Stop to pick it up, to meet her gaze, to wipe your brow. Let her power soothe you. Mercy is queen of compassion, pausing where you have cried out. She listens like a cow on a tumble weed plain, tongue dry and dusty, the concave belly wiser than the mind.



Inspired Writings By MaryBeth Scalice

Now it is simply enough to say that multiple transformations you are experiencing are not the result of disorganized chaos but the birth of a new world.
Voice of Christ, through Sebastian Blaksley, Choose Only Love

Dear Hearts,
Sometimes the world is like a monumental cabin cruiser. Sometimes it is as if I sit on a deck chair, watching the waters churn. There are crowds of tourists milling about. No, milling is not the right word. Many are a hairs width from panic. They are searching for something, loved ones, life jackets and anxious.